What To Do If Your New Roof Shingles Aren’t Lying Flat

Posted on May 19, 2023

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What To Do If Your New Roof Shingles Aren’t Lying Flat

When new roof shingles do not lie flat, it can be a source of confusion for those who have recently installed asphalt shingle roofs or undergone re-roofing. Wavy or curled shingles are typically not a significant issue unless they result in water penetration and damage.

If you find that your new roof shingles are not lying flat, there is no need to worry. By reading the blog post and following the provided instructions, you can address this concern effectively.

Causes of Shingles Not Lying Flat

Here are some root causes as to why your roofing shingles are not lying flat. Ensure you inspect your roof and identify the real problem your roof is struggling with. 

1. The Shingles Aren’t Sealed Yet

If you happen to notice shingles not lying flat on your roof during a roof inspection, you need not worry. Wait a couple of days in order to see if they seal properly. New asphalt roof shingles may require some time to fully adjust and settle on your roof due to the effects of heat and time. The sun’s warmth and high temperatures soften the asphalt shingles, which enables them to form an adhesive bond with the roof deck. Over time, continued exposure to sunlight strengthens this bond, creating a strong seal.

2. Misshapen Shingles 

Since asphalt shingles are malleable roofing materials, they can adapt to many shapes depending on the conditions they have been kept in prior to installation. Moreover, shingles are mass-produced and packaged. They are then distributed to vendors and construction sites through different modes of transportation, which increases the chance of the shingles becoming deformed and distorted. 

3. Structural Damage

Another reason why new shingles on your roof may not be lying flat yet is that the roof has structural damage. Unnoticed or neglected structural damage during new asphalt roof installation or replacement can cause shingles to become deformed. This causes shingles to curl upwards and destroy your roof’s appearance. Structural damage should be taken care of prior to new shingles being installed on a roof, and this process will involve professional inspection and repair. 

If you have structural damage and need it repaired prior to installing new shingles in Georgia,  click here

4. Debris Underneath The Shingles

In many cases, due to improper installation and unskilled workmanship, debris or nails may be sandwiched between the shingles and the roof deck, causing the shingles to lift up. This issue can’t be resolved until you inspect your roof and pull the debris out from underneath the shingles. If the debris beneath your shingles goes unnoted or unresolved, the gaps they create can allow water infiltration and other elements to enter your home, causing a roof failure. 

5. Multiple Layers Of Roofing Material

The reason new shingles may not be lying flat on your roof is because of an existing layer of asphalt shingles or metal sheets. Some homeowners believe it’s useful to install multiple layers of shingles on their roofs for increased thickness and durability. However, professional roofers don’t recommend doing this. Multiple layers add weight to the supporting roof deck and cause shingles to buckle and sag, allowing water to infiltrate and damage the roof deck. 

6. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors, such as high winds, intense storms, temperature fluctuations, movement, ice formation, and frequent rain prevents shingles from staying intact. If shingles begin to curl, high winds and intense storms can easily blow them off the roof, creating gaps where water can leak through. Additionally, ice dams and ponding water on your roof weaken the adhesive bond and displace the shingles. 

Signs That Your Shingles Are Not Lying Flat

During a roof inspection, you can look for the following signs to identify the real reason why your shingles are not lying flat. 

1. Buckling 


A buckling roof can significantly affect the integrity of shingles, leading to serious issues. When a roof is buckling, it means that the decking or structural elements of the roof are warping or shifting, which creates noticeable ridges or waves in the roof line. This movement can cause the shingles attached to the decking to move as well, potentially leading to cracks or curling shingles. Buckling can break the sealant bonds between shingles, undermining their ability to form a unified, waterproof barrier. As a result, the shingles may become loose, exposing the roof to potential water damage, leaks, or other structural problems. 

2. Curling and Cracking Shingles

Curling and cracking shingles

Curling shingles indicate that your roof shingles are not lying flat as they should, which can be a sign of a few potential issues. This curling typically happens due to age, improper installation, or exposure to extreme weather conditions. Additionally, poor attic ventilation can cause heat and moisture to build up, which can exacerbate these issues. If left unattended, curling shingles can compromise the roof’s ability to shed water effectively, leading to potential leaks or water damage.

What To Do if Your New Roof Shingles Aren’t Lying Flat

Here are some tips to help you deal with your recently installed roof. 

1. Wait For the Shingles To Seal

If you have recently installed a roof and have noticed new roof shingles aren’t lying flat, you should wait a bit, at least for a few weeks, for the shingles to settle and adhere to the roof deck properly. If after a couple of days or weeks, the shingles are still not lying flat, it’s time to call a professional roofing contractor to inspect your roof and find the problem.  

2. Replace Misshapen Shingles

As mentioned above, misshapen shingles are typically distorted because of their manufacturing process and improper storage and transportation. They decrease the overall aesthetic appeal of your home and business, so, if you find misshapen shingles on your roof, you can replace them by yourself or with professional assistance. 

3. Remove Obstruction or Debris

Your new asphalt shingles may not be lying flat due to underlying obstructions, such as debris, nails, or warped underlayment. If you notice obstructions sandwiched between your asphalt shingles and the roof deck, removing them is the only way to fix the issue. Once you’ve removed the obstructions underneath the shingles, ensure the surface is clean and repair the area by installing new shingles. 

4. Remove the Old Layer of Shingles

If you have installed multiple asphalt shingles layers or are struggling with curled shingles on your roof, removing the old layer of shingles can give you peace of mind. Multiple layers of roofing material can provide you with durability and thickness for sure, but it can also compromise your home’s aesthetic appeal. However, you should note that this is an expensive process, as you will have to remove two layers of shingles and re-apply them all over again. 

5. Hire a Professional Roofer

If you decide to take on the above step, it’s crucial you hire a professional roofer to take on the project. Professionals can prevent the problem from happening in the first place, and save you time and money in the long run. If your roofing shingles aren’t lying flat, it’s important to call a professional who can inspect your roof and find the cause of the problem.

Call Roofers To Inspect Your Roof

In many cases, identifying and repairing roofing shingles is hard for people new to the DIY roofing process. The chance of a mistake being made also increases when you hire an inexperienced contractor to handle the job. To prevent all this hassle, hire a professional roofing company. If you live in Georgia and are dealing with this issue, call the team at Division Kangaroof. We’ll come out to your home and provide a roof inspection that will find the solution to your problem. Give us a call today at (706) 778-3516, and hand over your roofing project to our trusted team.